Read International Language Magazines Online

Whether you speak Gujarati, Portuguese or Afrikaans, we have you covered. With Libby and hoopla, you can read your favorite magazines right on your device. 


To explore the international magazine selection in the Libby app, go to search and filter to magazines:

Click on the filter funnel again, then scroll down to Language. Languages with the highest number of items are shown first, but you can click on "+ more" to see all the languages:

Select your language and click on the "Show Titles" button to see the results:

We don’t have international language e-books or e-audiobooks in Libby, but for an even wider selection of non-English options, try hoopla for both written materials (like magazines) and audiovisual materials, like music and movies.


To find non-English options through hoopla’s search, go to advanced search in the menu bar on top:

Language is a field in advanced search (and they have a lot of languages!) but you can also limit by format or other features as well—if you are only interested in magazines, for example, you can limit to just those items.

To learn more about how to use Libby and hoopla, check out our how-to links on the Books & Media page.