Cesar Chavez Day is March 31, and we're honoring it by sharing a few facts about him you might not know.
25 Fun Facts for Neopets’ 25th Anniversary
It's a big birthday for Neopia! Celebrate with us and learn some fun Neofacts along the way.
WhatGPT? A Guide to AI
AI can be a powerful tool to enhance your understanding of complex topics, but how can you make sure you're using it responsibly?
A Young Voters’ Guide to the Election
Welcome to your role as a voting citizen! Learn about registration and how to read up on the issues with our guide for first-time voters.
So You’re a Senior… Now What?!
You’re finally in your senior year of high school. What's next? What needs to get done? CPL is here to help you sort this out.
The Young Entrepreneur’s Guide to Starting Your Own Business
Have you ever thought about launching your own business? Interested in exploring entrepreneurship? Explore these tips from our librarians.
Apply for CPL’s Teen Leadership Council
Do you want to give back to your community? Teens ages 14-18 can fill out an application for the library's Teen Leadership Council (TLC).
Road Trip 101
Looking to get away? We can help! Check out these tips and resources for your next trip on the road or abroad.
Spill the (Bubble) Tea: Your Guide to Boba
Is it time to treat yourself to some boba? Learn all about this delicious drink and check out one of these local bubble tea shops.
A Brief History of Planet of the Apes
You maniacs—you've made this franchise blow up in popularity. Learn about the weird and wild history of these movies and comics.
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