Ballot Boss: Canton Township Clerk, Michael Siegrist

With the election over, you might think Canton Township Clerk Michael Siegrist could rest on his laurels, not thinking about an election for another couple of years. That's what he thought, too, before he was elected, but he found out elections are not just a one-day occurrence.

“What I was surprised to learn about were the core competencies required to support election infrastructure all year round,” says Siegrist, “implementing Early Voting, preparing Absentee Ballots, and all the other steps in the process.”

What is not surprising is his commitment to public service. Ever since Siegrist was a child, he saw the things that were wrong in the world and thought somebody needed to change them. Eventually, his thinking went from someone needing to do something to “I need to do something.”

Turning his thoughts into action, he began organizing during the Iraq War in 2004 to try and build peace and bring an end to the military occupations. Through this process, he built relationships with elected officials and civic-minded individuals. This led to an internship with Congressman John Dingell. From there, he ran for and was elected to the Library Board of Trustees, then the Plymouth-Canton Community Schools Board of Education, and eventually his current position as Canton Township Clerk.

Meet Michael Siegrist’s Wild Side

If he had not followed the path that led to becoming the Canton Township Clerk, Siegrist says he wanted to become a park ranger. In his free time, he still explores the wilderness by backpack and canoe as often as he can. Last summer, he took his young children to Yellowstone National Park. The family camped the entire trip there and back.

Closer to home, Siegrist says you can find him in his garden, “working on eliminating my lawn and planting as many wildflowers and native plants as I can to create habitat for pollinators, birds and small critters.”

The Inspiration to Lead a Life of Public Service

We all have someone in our lives who helped shape who we are as adults. Siegrist talks glowingly about the one person who inspired him early on.

“My grandfather Al Guy was the strongest and most gentle person I knew,” says Siegrist. “The way he showed up for his community and helped people without seeking recognition was a huge inspiration to me. As a landlord, he would routinely accept payment from people in produce and eggs when they had fallen on hard times. He never mentioned it to anyone because he understood the importance of self-respect and dignity. He was a model man, and I learned about wisdom and understanding by watching him live.”

You don’t have to grow up with someone like Al to be inspired to serve, though. Siegrist has some advice on how to start getting involved in your community.

“If you love Canton and you love your neighbors, start participating in community activities and groups. Volunteering is a great way to build relationships and connection,” advises Siegrist. “If your motivation is to help people and build community, and you say ‘yes’ to Canton, you will quickly find yourself swept into a life of service toward others. By becoming ‘other-centered’ instead of self-centered, your life will fill up, and you will be elevated to places where your skills and insight can be useful to your neighbors.”

Good words to live by from a servant of our community.