Books That Demystify Adulting

Adulting encompasses a wide range of responsibilities associated with becoming a self-sufficient and independent adult. It can seem daunting, so we have broken it down into manageable chunks. Below are some common elements of adulting, plus book recommendations for each.

1. Financial Management

This includes budgeting, paying bills, managing debt, saving for the future, understanding taxes and making informed financial decisions.

2. Household Management

This includes taking care of household chores like cooking, cleaning, laundry, and grocery shopping. Additionally, maintaining a living space, whether it's renting or owning a home, involves tasks like repairs, renovations, and managing utilities.

3. Career and Professional Development

This involves finding and keeping employment, advancing in your career through skill development and networking, and managing workplace relationships and responsibilities.

4. Health and Wellness

This includes taking care of your physical and mental health, including regular exercise, proper nutrition, getting enough sleep, managing stress and seeking medical or psychological help when needed.

5. Time Management and Organization

This involves balancing work, personal life, and other commitments efficiently. Additionally, this includes prioritizing tasks, setting goals, managing schedules and being punctual.

6. Navigating Relationships

This involves building and maintaining healthy relationships with family, friends, romantic partners, and colleagues.

Looking for books about adulting in general? Check out these titles.