Can’t wait for the next book in your favorite series? Counting down the days until the release of the newest superhero movie? Us too.
While we can't make your favorite author write any faster, we can help get it to you as soon as possible. We're always ordering items, new releases and old, and you can hop in line for these items as soon as they appear in the catalog.
To find what we have on order, select Browse from the top of the homepage and click New Titles (listed under Explore).
Under New Titles, click on the On Order tab to show a selection of on order items, which you can filter using the bar along the top or by clicking View All New Titles below, and filtering as you would any other catalog search.
If you don't have a Canton or Plymouth library card, don't despair. We order extra copies of new, popular books and DVDs for the Lucky Day shelf. Lucky Day items cannot be placed on hold and have a shorter borrowing period, but anyone with a Canton or reciprocal library card can check them out. If it's your lucky day, you might find that movie you've been waiting for. For more information about Lucky Day items, see our FAQ.
So, whenever you see an exciting new movie trailer, check the catalog and join the hold list. Look around while you're there, but be careful- placing holds can be quite addictive!
Can't find something and think we should add it to our collection? Let us know here.
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