Podcasts to Listen to This International Women’s Day

Podcasts are a great way for busy people to explore new information. They provide content that gives listeners the ability to dive into topics without having to set aside time to read or watch content, and what better topic is there to explore on International Women’s Day than podcasts by and for women about other incredible women? Check out some of these amazing podcasts.

Encyclopedia Womannica

If your idea of “powerful women from history” stops after RBG and Beyoncé, subscribe to Encyclopedia Womannica. The podcast features mini-biographies of everyday fascinating women, at around seven minutes each. 

The PHG Podcast

The PHG (Professional Homegirl) Podcast™ is an informative podcast that interviews women anonymously on stories that will enlighten and expand on taboo topics. This podcast aims to show a range of women of color living full lives that they have worked hard for.  

Sports Are Fun!

World Cup champion Kelley O'Hara welcomes us into real, deep conversations with the greatest women in sports in this thrilling podcast. O'Hara asks guests to share “the untold stories behind their success,” and she scores again and again—Allyson Felix, Nastia Lukin, Chloe Kim, Candace Parker, and more athletic giants share how they did it all in endlessly fascinating episodes. 

Imperfectly Phenomenal Women

“Each week, we’re breaking down the unrealistic expectations that society wants women to live up to, and even some expectations that we place upon ourselves. Together, we’re taking a journey towards self-discovery, self-acceptance, and purposeful action.” 

The History Chicks

Remember how history class in high school talked a lot about white guys who lived hundreds of years ago? Yeah well, Beckett Graham and Susan Vollenweider are here to turn back the clocks and revisit years of history with women in mind. 

Women Rule

Politico's Anna Palmer shows listeners who is boss. Palmer interviews women leaders like Stacey Abrams, NHL Vice President Kim Davis, and Cecile Richards about how they made it, their opinions on today's biggest issues, and advice for other women. This podcast will inspire you to step up and say, "I'm not bossy, I'm the boss." 

This is Our Time

A serialized podcast expedition exploring the lives of women in STEM, leadership, and Antarctica. This is Our Time is an inspirational, storytelling podcast about how the host, Samantha Hodder, traveled to Antarctica with 90 other women on a leadership expedition. 

Small Doses with Amanda Seales

Your favorite truth teller and comedian, Amanda Seales, is dropping gems with Small Doses, a weekly podcast that brings you potent truths for everyday use. 

Women in Technology Podcast

The Women in Technology Podcast inspires its listeners with stories from leaders within the field, influential women in the STEM industry, the men who help support women rise, and other captivating stories to empower and reinforce WIT's motto of advancing girls and women from the classroom to the boardroom.