Raise Your Hand: Volunteer Opportunities in the Community

Many organizations count on volunteers to provide services to the community, but it's not just the community that benefits. It's been shown that when you give your time or talents as a volunteer, you become part of a larger community, make or strengthen social connections, gain new friends and learn new skills.

Volunteering can also provide a sense of purpose and give you something to look forward to. The benefits to the volunteer and the community are obvious, and there are plenty of local organizations that could use your help.

To get the most out of your volunteer time, look for an organization or cause that you are interested in or are passion about. Don't be surprised if you are asked to attend training or make a commitment to a certain number of hours each month. Organizations are making an investment in training you and need to know they can count on your help.

Check Out These Local Volunteer Opportunities

If you can't make a traditional commitment to an organization, you can still find ways to volunteer. There are many alternative volunteer opportunities that provide flexibility and take advantage of your unique skills.

Tech savvy people can offer to help an organization with their website or social media. Good with numbers? See if your skills could be applied to bookkeeping or tracking grants. Handy? Work on a community fix-up project or put your knitting or sewing skills to use. Your talents can be applied to benefit many causes. Here are a few: