Storytime: Giddy-up

Did you miss storytime? Perhaps it is just one of those days when you need a little boost with your little ones. Fret not. We have gathered some storytime resources for you at home. Follow our steps below or mix-and-match for the ultimate storytime experience.

Today’s Theme: Giddy-up

1. Energize with a Song

Start your storytime by singing "Saddle Up and Read" to the tune of "Farmer in the Dell."

Saddle up and read
Saddle up and read
With our friends at storytime
Let’s saddle up and read!

2. Read a Book About the Wild West

Gallop into these tales of cowboys, horses and the Wild West to lasso up a rollicking good storytime.

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3. Activity: 10 Little Horses Fingerplay

Ten little horses galloped into town. (hold up hands)

Five were black and five were brown. (wiggle fingers on one hand, then the other)

They galloped up. (wiggle fingers on both hands while raising above head)

They galloped down. (wiggle fingers on both hands while lowering them)

And they galloped, and they galloped,

right out of town. (wiggle fingers and hide hands behind back)

4. Sing a Goodbye Song

See you next time! Wrap up your storytime and sing along with our librarians to "Skinnamarink."