We’ve got great free movies at the library.
Type “new streaming movies” in the catalog search bar to get a full list of new streaming movie titles that we’ve added in the last 6 months. Want just the very newest titles? You can filter down to the last seven, 30, 60 or 90 days if you prefer.
Searching this way will give you results from all of the services we use to provide movies, so you don’t need to search separately in hoopla and Kanopy.
You can also filter your search results by “rating” to narrow in on titles that other library patrons have enjoyed. See which movies get five stars and leave your own rating if you choose, by clicking the item record and picking the number of stars you want.
Looking for a new show to binge instead?
We don’t show streaming TV shows in the online catalog, but they are available through hoopla. To get your TV fix, open the hoopla app, and scroll the format line to the right until you see “television.” Click it to see all of the available titles.
And don’t forget, we still do have movies and TV shows on DVD and Blu-ray—including newer titles, and titles that may have slipped off the radar of your preferred streaming provider. Stop by and browse the selection or search the catalog for “new movies” and limit to just the format you want by filtering.
To find TV series on DVD or Blu-ray, go to advanced search, and select “Adult DVD TV Series” from the collections drop down list. Hit the blue search button at the bottom of the page once you’ve put in all your search criteria.
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