Hey Kids,
While other bears hibernate during the winter, I’m lucky enough to spend time with you all year! One of my favorite things to do in the cold months is play outside. There’s snow much you can do with snow! Did you know you can pretend to bake things in the snow? You just need baking dishes, things to decorate your creations, and snow.
Here are some things you can use to decorate:
- Cinnamon sticks
- Dried herbs
- Dried fruit
- Nuts
- Food coloring
- Little toys
You can bake cakes, pies, or cookies. Don’t forget to have fun and tell my librarian friends all about your creations!
Your friend,
P.S. Hey, grown-ups! Sometimes it can be really cold outside but there is no snow. I hate when this happens so I asked my librarian friends to find recipes for fake snow. Here are a few that use ingredients you likely already have:
- Baking soda and white conditioner. You can make fake snow for your kiddos with ½ cup of conditioner and about three cups of baking soda! Simply combine the ingredients until they match the texture of your preference. This recipe makes more of a snow dough for your littles to sculpt all winter long!
- Cornstarch and shaving cream. Shaving cream and cornstarch in equal parts will also yield a snow dough that can be molded into so many fun shapes and sizes like snowmen.
- Cornstarch and white lotion. This mixture in equal parts will create a more powdery substance that resembles snow.
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