Three Things to Know About Joining a Gym in January

Are you thinking about getting into shape as a New Year’s resolution? We’ve chosen three things to keep in mind as you get started.

1. Prepare for Heavy Traffic

You are not the only one with this idea. Gym traffic can increase by as much as 40% from December through January.

While this drastic spike will often die down within a month, it is good to note what times will be busiest and whether these will be a problem for you. The early evening hours will see a large spike in users as people leave work; an early morning workout can minimize traffic and start your day off strong.

Another thing that can mitigate the traffic and the time spent in it is to plan your routine: figure out what you want to work on and what machines you will need ahead of time.

2. Know the Etiquette

There's always a possibility someone is waiting on your machine, so skip the extra time spent on your phone that is taking away from your workout and save the texting for your cool-down period.

Also, mind the condition of things when you arrive; if the weights were racked, make sure you re-rack them when finished. This is not just to make the employees’ lives easier, it also signals that you're done so others may use the equipment.

The most key element of proper gym etiquette: wipe your sweat off the machine after you’re done.

3. Fuel up and Stay Hydrated

You might not know what your body needs until you need it, so getting started in January after a long break from regular gym use can have a learning curve.

Always hydrate before, during and after workouts. Carbohydrates are essential for energy, but stick with the complex ones like whole grains, oatmeal or broccoli and avoid the simple ones like sugar and white bread. Complex carbs should be consumed a few hours before for optimal workout energy, as the body takes longer to break down and absorb them.

Have good sources of protein in your diet (your need will vary depending on age, height, and weight). After a workout—especially one with a lot of strength training—you’ll want to eat good protein within the next 30 to 60 minutes.

Keep an eye on our Canton Connections page this January to read our interview with Canton’s very own Summit on the Park staff about helpful tips for your post-holiday workouts.