It's that time of the year when the days get colder and the roads icier. While falling leaves and sparkling snow are two of the many wonderful things about living in Michigan, sometimes it's hard to convince yourself to brave the chill.
To make it easier for you to get your materials even on the ickiest of days, we offer curbside pickup so you don't have to get out of the car.
To use Canton Public Library’s curbside pickup service:
- Put your items on hold.
- We will notify you when your items are ready.
- When you arrive, park in one of the designated spots, and call the number on the sign.
- Your items will be brought directly to you in your vehicle.
Curbside service is available all days we are open, from the time we open until 30 minutes prior to close. Check for closures and hours here.
There are four designated parking spots in the east lot (the parking lot to the left as you drive in, or to the right as you exit the building) and the number to call is listed on the sign. When you call we will gather together all of your holds, including any interlibrary loans, and bring the items right out to your car.
You can also return items at curbside, and renew your library card. To renew, please make sure you have your photo ID and relevant information; see this FAQ for more details. We are happy to help with any account issues over the phone, in-person at the Check Out Desk, or online.
If you just can't get out from under the covers (we've been there), check out our e-media options that let you stay nice and toasty in bed.
Did you know you can also receive text message notifications when your holds are ready or your items are due? Learn how to sign up for Shoutbomb text messages.
Not sure how to place holds? See our FAQ.
Holds FAQ
Patrons with a Canton or Plymouth library card can request specific items from our collection by clicking the green “Place Hold” button on the item record in the online catalog, or by calling us. When the item is ready for pick up, you will be notified via the notification method you selected for your account. Please pick up your item within four days or your hold will be cancelled.
There are two options for picking up your holds:
- Hold Shelf: The Hold Shelf is just past the Check Out Desk, on the right side, and is available any time the library is open to the public. After locating your item(s) on our Hold Shelf, you can check them out at a self-check station or at the Check Out Desk.
- Curbside: There are designated curbside parking spots in the east lot (the parking lot to the left as you drive in, or to the right as you exit the building). When you are notified that your holds are available, come to the library and call the number on the sign. We will check out all of your current holds and bring them directly to your vehicle.
Curbside service is available all days we are open, from the time we open until 30 minutes prior to close. Check for closures and hours here.
If you are a reciprocal card holder, not from Canton or Plymouth, you cannot place a hold in the catalog. You can however call the desk and ask a librarian to pull an item for you and place it on the hold shelf. If you have not yet registered your card with CPL, you will need to bring your home library card and ID to set up an account.
To use Canton Public Library’s curbside pickup service:
- Put your items on hold.
- We will notify you when your items are ready.
- When you arrive, park in one of the designated spots, and call the number on the sign.
- Your items will be brought directly to you in your vehicle.
Curbside service is available all days we are open, from the time we open until 30 minutes prior to close. Check for closures and hours here.
There are designated curbside parking spots in the east lot (the parking lot to the left as you drive in, or to the right as you exit the building). Upon your arrival at the library, park in one of the designated curbside parking spots and call the number on the sign to notify us of your arrival.
You can also return items at curbside, and renew your library card. To renew, please make sure you have your photo ID and relevant information; see this FAQ for more details.
Patrons with a Canton or Plymouth card can place a “hold” on items, as long as you have registered your account online, opens a new window. To place a hold, click the green “place hold” button next to the item in the catalog. That’s your way of letting the library know you’d really like to check this item out.
When your hold is ready for you to pick up, you will get a notification by email or text (if you have signed up for text notifications). Once notified, you can either pull into one of our curbside pick up spots and call us to bring it out to you, or you can come in and collect it from the hold shelf on your own.
The hold shelf is arranged in alphabetical order by last name. If you do pick items up yourself, don’t forget to check it out either at one of the self-checkout stations or the Check Out Desk.
If the item you’ve put a hold on is currently available, we will set it aside on our hold shelf for you as soon as we can. We typically pull available holds a few times a day.
If the item you requested is not currently available, we will set it aside for you as soon as it comes back. If there are other people who have also requested the item you’ll join a virtual queue. You can check your place in the queue by viewing the “on hold” section of your account.
Once available, items stay on the hold shelf for you for four days. If you do not check the item out in that time, the hold moves to the next person in line. Because these items are in demand by other patrons, checked out items that have holds cannot be renewed.
You may be surprised to learn that not all items that are checked out are returned on time. Yep, sometimes they are returned late. Really late. (And yes, we send out notices.) That's the reason we have decided not to include the due date on checked out items, so that you don't get a false expectation of when the item will be available.
However, one of the great features on our new website is “My for Later Shelf” where you can save items that you would like to read at a later time. When you add an item to the My for Later Shelf, the website will let you know when the item is available so you can then select “Place hold” and we will pull it from our shelves for you and place it on the Hold Shelf. Then you know for sure when you will get an item and can plan your reading accordingly.
Only patrons with Canton or Plymouth library cards can place holds. If you are on your way to the library and would like an item pulled for you to pick up today, please call us at 734-397-0999.
Some materials, for example movies and e-books provided through hoopla, don’t allow holds because they are available to borrow for instant streaming or temporary download. A hold is not needed for these items since you can access them at any time.
Other reasons you may not be able to place a hold:
- You may have exceeded the maximum number of holds for your account.
- Your card may have expired, or been blocked due to overdue items or outstanding fees.
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