As a library, we know how important it is to have access to relevant and accurate information, especially regarding our community. Try these outlets if you’re looking for reliable public safety updates in the Canton area.
Canton Public Safety utilizes CodeRED as a free way to provide timely information to subscribers via text or email. To receive community notifications, including crime and weather alerts, traffic hazards, etc., sign up online or text "CANTON" to 99411.
Sign up and receive alerts via email or SMS from Canton Township.
Canton Public Safety social media
Canton Public Safety's Facebook page provides information to the public on crime, weather alerts, road closures and news release information. Find them on Facebook under “Canton Public Safety Department" or follow them on X (formerly Twitter) @CantonPSD.
Canton's Outdoor Warning Siren System
Canton has 16 outdoor warning sirens throughout the community to alert those who may be outdoors and away from other technology and media sources.
If the sirens are activated, residents should seek shelter immediately and tune into WJR AM radio 760 or local television networks such as FOX, WDIV, or WXYZ for news and official information, leaving 911 and dispatch lines open for emergency calls.
Plymouth Police Department: Nixle information
For those who live, work, or spend time in and around Plymouth, knowing what is going on right next door can be helpful. Nixle is an online public safety broadcast system that leverages the power of the internet to deliver timely and critical public safety information.
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