When you look at a booklist on the website or in the catalog you will see the name of the booklist author in the top right corner. If you click on or hover over it, you will see options to view the author’s profile, follow or ignore.
If you view their profile, you will see the information that the author has made public, which may include a short bio, personalized rating scale, recent activity, recently completed items, and other lists that they have made.
If you follow them, any new lists that they make will appear in the Community Newsfeed section of your dashboard. To follow, select the follow option from the list itself by hovering over the name of the author in the top right corner and selecting "Follow," or if you view their profile, you can click the follow button on their profile page. You can choose to unfollow at any time.
If you ignore them, their lists will be hidden as you peruse items in the catalog, and will not appear when you search for lists.
If you follow or ignore someone by accident, you can hover over their name again and unfollow or unignore. You have to be logged in to your account to follow or ignore someone.
You can also click through from the left side of your My CPL dashboard to see who you are following and/or ignoring, and from there you can click into the dashboard of someone you follow to look at earlier lists they have made public.