Borrowing History is a way to track all the physical items you check out from the Canton Public Library.
Borrowing History starts tracking the items checked out from the time you opt in. Items currently checked out at the time of opting in are not added to your history, only new check outs. It also cannot retroactively track anything you checked out and returned before you opted in.
If you choose to opt out after activating Borrowing History, your previous borrowing record will be erased and you will not be able to retrieve it even if you later opt in again.
To opt in:
1. Log in to your My CPL account, click your username (top right), and then click My Settings.
2. Under Account Preferences, click the slider to turn on your history.
3. You may have to log out and log back in to see the items transferred over, if you had borrowing history enabled previously.
The sync between the old library catalog and the new one only happens once. If you import your Borrowing History from the old library catalog, any additional things you add to the old list will not be synced with your new list.
Once enabled, borrowing history is accessible from the menu, in the My Borrowing section. You can also navigate to it from the My Borrowing account summary in the left sidebar of your dashboard.
Do not click disable after you have enabled borrowing history, unless you want to delete your list of checked out items entirely.
Borrowing History does not track items you request through interlibrary loan, or electronic items such as e-books or streaming movies.
Borrowing History does not show items you have currently checked out, until you return them.