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Databases & Online Resources FAQs
Your default PIN is the 8-digit birthdate (MMDDYYYY) associated with your account. For example, if your birthday is May 15, 1991, your PIN is 05151991.
Once you log into your account, you can change your PIN to a number of your choice. Your PIN must be at least 7 digits and no longer than 13 digits, and can only be numbers.
If you are logging in with your barcode number, please check to make sure that the number from the back of your library card is correctly entered with no spaces.
If you have recently received a new library card you will need to use the barcode number on that card. Your old barcode number might be saved in your browser so try typing in the new number - don't rely on the number that your browser might have saved.
If you think your PIN is at fault you can click the “Forgot your PIN?” link on the Log In page to see reset options.
Still having trouble? Stop by the Check Out Desk or call us at 734-397-0999 and we’re happy to help troubleshoot.
For homework and study assistance for all ages, the library offers HelpNow through Brainfuse, a live, online tutoring service accessible with a CPL library card. For further homework or skill-building assistance, explore our Research and Learn page.
For one-on-one tutoring in-person, you can frequently find tutors who advertise on our lobby bulletin board. Canton Public Library does not endorse or track these tutors. You are welcome to meet with your tutor in the library.
National Honor Society Tutors are typically available in the library on a seasonal basis. Check our Program page for current information. If no sessions are listed, this is not currently being offered.
Databases and online resources can be found on the Research & Learn page. The dark grey section partway down the page has a link to an A-Z listing of all databases and online resources available to you through CPL, as well as links to groups of resources for particular areas of interest.
To learn more about CPL's online resources, please see this post.